And now the Itty Bitty Details

As you can tell from the pictures, things are moving right along to the point where we have to deal with the nerves of the house - electrical and plumbing...
As if that wasn't enough, the contractor is telling us to get him a list of things we want in the house, otherwise he'll give us the "standard". So I am currently devising a list of what things I CAN'T do without. The list is rather substantial I must say and I'm confused. So many choices to make. For example, what type of faucet would we like, separate knobs for hot and cold or a single one, and if a single one, what style? Contemporary, traditional, eclectic? For the kitchen sink, how many holes do you want drilled in... and on and on it goes.
And then I have to add to that what the other occupants in the house want. Let's just say we need a lot of patience to get this list together. Bless Van though. He is letting me do "almost" whatever I want. I think that's dangerous but fun! And no, I am not telling you what I have picked so far... y'all have to wait for the "unveiling." Besides, we already have too many chefs in the kitchen, so to speak.
Anyhoo, I have posted a new album, just click to the right of this post on "More Pics." It's labeled 2006 04 01. Peruse at your leisure.