Building Up - Sept 2005
Well, it appears we are making progress. The concrete has been poured for the footing and our contractor buddies have almost finished laying down the flooting (I guess that's what's called... It's the beginning of the floor nonetheless.). We did have a little scare when it came to the setback, but the architect and the contractor had a little discussion and it turned out it was a little misunderstanding on our part.
Meanwhile, Lan (Van's sister) has been patiently waiting for Van and me (and my mom and my stepdad) to decide once and for all what we want to do with the kitchen. I think we've finally made up our minds, now we just have to get actual measurements to my sister-in-law.

Here's the latest picture of the house in progress with Nathan and Stephanie serving as models...
I didn't realize how many inspections one had to go through. It's like at every step there's an inspection. You finish one thing... wait for inspection. Finish the next thing... another inspection. I'll be happy when all this is finally over!

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